Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools - Module 4

Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools
The idea of bringing technological tools used outside of the classroom, into the learning environment is supported by many researchers (Palloff and Pratt, 2007, Anderson 2008, and Seimen).  Some of these tools are usually used for social interaction such as blogs, wikis, Skype and Facebook just to name a few.  There are many discussions on implementing these tools into theclassroom as they can provide a richer and deeper learning experience than traditional learning tools. This is so as it enables individuals to network and learn from each other, developing reciprocity and getting needed support.  Seimens (2006) posited, “Knowledge set free enables dynamic, adaptive, and personalized experience” (p.5)
Tools and their benefits
·       Blogs – utilized to conduct discussions on topics of interest.
·       Wikis - utilized to conduct discussions on topics of interest.
·       Social media (facebook, twitter, MySpace etc)
·       Emails – students are able to email their assignments, clarify information, and collaborate with peers.
·       Skype , collaborate with members in a learning community , as well as instructors.  Connecting names with faces, developing personal academic relationships.
·       Webex.com, provides collaboration, online meeting. Web and video conferencing.
·       My big Campus, A safe collaborative platform used to facilitate learning, chat, blogs, assignment, essentially a virtual classroom.
·       Webspiration – organized mindmaps, collaborate
·       Webinar – Enables large group, seninars, lectures and presentations via the web.  Individuals can participate in discussions in a collaborative manner.
·       Vodcasting, provides both audio and video presentations to large group. 
·       Podcast, provides both audio and video presentations to large group.

Blog on technology tools in learning
Using Skype in the classroom
I also viewed and commented on

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